Azelio Fulmini
Work Position:
Avocat associé
Dott. Azelio Fulmini, Master et PhD en droit européen et de l'Union européenne à l'Université La Sapienza, après une intense carrière institutionnelle internationale et de nombreuses activités de recherche et académiques, il est revenu en 2011 à la profession d'avocat au Barreau francophone de Bruxelles, qu'il avait déjà commencée en 1993 chez Lambert & Associés, et interrompue pour la parenthèse institutionnelle et internationale, parce qu'il croit au métier d'avocat, à l'art de résoudre les problèmes non seulement à partir des faits et des règles applicables, mais aussi à partir des personnes, des volontés individuelles, et à l'interprétation des règles à partir des principes de l'ordre juridique, principes qui sont autant transversaux qu'ils inspirent l'interprétation et l'exécution à donner à la règle écrite lapis appropriée dans l'intérêt de la personne.
Que la règle écrite ne peut jamais couvrir tous les cas matériels de conflits. C'est pourquoi l'activité de l'avocat se situe au point de contact entre l'autorité et la liberté, constituant une source créatrice de justice.
C'est aussi pour cette raison que le Dr Fulmini croit aux méthodes dites alternatives de résolution des conflits (MARC).
L'art de l'avocat est certainement la technique qui consiste à trouver une solution sur la base des règles et des principes applicables qui doivent toujours être en corrélation avec cette nécessité ultime de justice qui était déjà exprimée dans les Institutions, l'un des Livres qui composent le Codex Iustiniani (VIe siècle), avec la définition de la justice comme "IUS SUUM QUICUMQUE TRIBUERE", qui exprimait l'esprit qui était à la base de la fonction du Praetor Preregrinus : reconnaître à chaque personne son propre droit.
Nous pensons que la "personne" reste toujours le sujet principal de toute règle, par opposition à l'autoritarisme ou au totalitarisme de la règle imposée d'en haut. La seule "GRUNDNORM" qui éclaire l'activité de l'avocat est pour nous la protection de la personne.
Dans cette optique, nous mettons à la disposition du client non seulement des connaissances, mais aussi une expérience extrajudiciaire afin qu'il puisse obtenir la meilleure satisfaction de ses droits, dans le respect des règles et des valeurs de la liberté.
Et c'est le client seul qui sera notre meilleur juge.
December 2000 – T.M.C. Asser Institute, Peace Palace, The Hague
| Certificate for International Criminal Court Staff
Training Course on The Rome Statute of the ICC.
July 1991 – La Sapienza University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Roma
| Ph.D (Dottore di Ricerca) on EC Law (cum mentione). Three years Fellowship. Thesis in IT on “Jurisdictional Protection of Human Rights and the EEC Legal Order: between Autonomy and Integration”.
Aug/Sept 1989 - International Law Academy, The Hague, The Netherlands
| I.L.A. Certificates.
a) Four Weeks Annual Workshop of the Centre for Studies and Research. Workshop with seminars and written study in French on “Schengen and the EEC Law on the Internal Market”.
b) International Law Annual Course, August 1989
Apr/June1989 – Ministry for Culture, Luxembourg
| Study Fellowship (paid) Note on “The TV without borders Directive” |
Jan/March 1989 – European Parliament, Luxembourg
| Robert Shuman Fellowship (paid) Legal Affairs Committee Competences, DG IV - Etudes & Research |
Oct1987/July1988 – European Commission, Brussels
| Trainee Fellowship (paid) Secretariat Général, Relation with the EP |
July 1988 - "Alcide de Gasperi", Istituto post-Universitario, Post-University Institute, Roma
| Master on EC Law, (110 cum Laude). (a. y. 1986/1987) Subjects: ECC Law, European Comparative Law, European Constitutional Systems, International private Law, International Arbitration, International Transport Law, International Maritime law, Law of URSS and communist systems, Pact of Warsaw, Law of Space, NATO, Council of Europe, Humanitarian Law, Geopolitical of Europe, Environment Law, OSCE. Thesis in French on: “The ECJ Judicial Procedures”
July 1985 - "La Sapienza " University, Faculty of Law, Roma
| Law Degree (106/110) (five a. y.). Subjects: History of Law, Roman law, Private Law, Civil Law, Commercial law, Copyright Law, Industrial law, EEC Law, International Law, Comparative Public Law, Constitutional Law. Thesis on Administrative Law in IT on “National Administrative Justice and the protection of the rights attributed by the EC Law”
July 1977 – Liceo Ginnasio “Cornelio Tacito”, Classical & Humanistic Studies, Terni (IT)
| Diploma di licenza classica (Licence of Secondary Public School) Subjects: Latin, Greek, Italian, Philosophy, History, Natural Sciences, Mathematic, Chemistry, Physic, History of Arts. (five academic years) |
Cookies&Cookies, Più Europei (2022)
The EU PDPR and its application, Protection or Legalized Utilisation ? Più Europei (2022)
Puygdemont v. EU cases, Più Europei 2020
IT & WEB : Secret investigations (Più Europei 2020)
EU Court of Justice on Morocco and SAHARA cases Più Europei (2019)
BREXIT , Conferences and Publications since 2016
Introduzione alla Carta Europea dei Diritti Fondamentli, in Commentario al Trattato di Lisbona, Ed. Simone, (April 2012)
The Protection of Human Rights and the Lisbon Treaty, Excellency University, Jean Monnet Programme, Comenius University, Bratislava, 29/30 September 2008 (the article will be part of a collective book on the Lisbon Treaty under publication);
Various European Parliament Fact Sheets – EP web page - :
[3.2.1.] on Free circulation of goods, 2006/2007;
[3.2.3.] on Freedom of establishment and to provide services, 2006/2007;
[3.3.4.] on Public Undertakings and Services of General Interest, 2006/2007;
[3.4.1.] on Public Procurement Contracts, 2006/2007;
[4.11.1.] on Consumer Policy: Principles and Instruments, 2006;
[4.11.2.] on Consumer Protection measures, 2006;
Editor of the Acta of the first Conferences on “Rozhodovacie procesy v Europskej unii” (European Union decision-making procedures), Bratislava and Kosice, December 2003, organized as Head of the Information Office of the EP in the Slovak Republic, with interventions of Hans Gerd Poettering, H.E. Alfonso Diez Torres, H.E. Olivier Belle, H.E. Laurent Stokvis, H.E. Luca del Balzo di Presenzano, H.E. Eric van der Linden, Nino Gemelli, Jan Figel, Rudolf Bauer, Monica Benova, Ivan Stefanec, Andrej Durkovsky, Jan Mazak, Pavel Kandrac, Juraj Migas, Maros Sefcovic, Antonio Caiola, Juraj Stern, Olga Gyarfasova, Dagmar Fillova, Martina Janosikova, Vlasta Kunova, Zuzana Andrejcakova, Miroslav Slastan, Ed. Information Office of the European Parliament in the Slovak republic and Comenius University, Faculty of Law, Bratislava, 2005;
Introduzione all’EURO: il quadro Istituzionale, Monografia, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Istituzioni Politiche e Scienze Sociali, ROMATRE University, Dipartimento delle Istituzioni Politiche e Scienze Sociali, Quaderni n° 4, 1998 (pp. 1-47) (Paper from the Lecture of 27-05-1998);
Credit’s Consumers EC Law, Paper for the UpE Study Days, Venice, 20-02-1997, (Conference organized for the UpE group with the participation of Mr. mario Monti, Commissioner), in Cahier UpE, March 1997;
Measures to protect children victims of violence in the European Union, Report for the UpE Study days, Carcassonne, France, 13/17-05-1996, in Cahier UpE, June 1996;
La Corte di Giustizia e le prerogative costituzionali delle istituzioni comunitarie (The Court of justice and the constitutional prerogatives of the European Institutiuons), in Cahier UpE, December 1995;
Les minorités linguistiques en Europe : systèmes juridiques comparés, in Cahier UpE, November 1995;
Free circulation of persons and the Schengen Treaty, for a Conference organized for the UpE group, in Brussels, with the participation of Mr. mario Monti, Commissioner, the head of Cabinet of Mrs Gradin, Commissioner, and administrative representatives of Europol and Schengen, in Cahier UpE, September 1995;
Giurisprudenza comunitaria commentata, in Italia Europa, Monthly publication on Europe distributed by Italia Oggi, ecnomic newspaper, Milano, 1992-1994;
L’evoluzione dell’ordinamento giuridico comunitario nel settore dei media nel periodo 1991-1992, (European Media Law in 1992 – analysis) in MIND, l’industria della comunicazione in Europa, Fondazione Rosselli, Torino, IEM Milano, Collectaneus, London-Paris-Rome, John Libbey, SIPI Ed., 1993 (pp. 161-238);
Il diritto d’asilo nel 1990: Schengen e l’Europa (The right of asylum after the Dublin Convention of 1990 and the Europe), relazione al Convegno internazionale su Immigrazione e transito degli stranieri nell’Europa comunitaria, Associazione Idea Cultura, Coppanello, Catanzaro, 19-20 gennaio 1991, Acta of the Congress by ACNUR (UN Italian Agency for refugees) “L’immigrazione straniera e l’Europa del 1993: una sfida o un’opportunità?”, Del Grifo Ed., 1992 (pp. 187-189);
Osservazioni sul progetto di Comunicazione della Commissione sui criteri di valutazione delle imprese comuni e delle altre forme
di associazione aventi natura di cooperazione, ai sensi dell’Articolo 85 CEE, (Notes on the Commission Communication regarding the various forms of cooperation between operators – GEIE-), Papwer for Fondazione Rosselli, Torino, October 1991;
L’Immigrazione straniera in Europa, in I Diritti dell’Uomo, n° 1 – 1991, p. 39;
Le istituzioni locali e il sistema istituzionale comunitario: pluralismo o frammentazione, (regional Institutions and the European institutional Framework: Pluralism or Fragmentation?), in Confronti, N° 2, 1989 (pp. 47-61);
ECJ's role and its procedures, Alcide De Gasperi Internal Publication, Serie Studi Giuridici, N°4, 1988;
Some Legal approaches on the Human Rights Protection and the EEC Legal Order, European Commission, European Trainee Review, N° 8, 1988;
Note in tema di adempimento delle obbligazioni pecuniarie delle pubbliche amministrazioni (nota a sentenza della Corte di cassazione n. 3448 del 23 maggio 1986 e decisione del Consiglio di Stato, Sezione V, n. 207 del 24 marzo 1987), (Notes regarding the obligations and the responsibility of the National Public Administration in the case of rights of private parties protected by the EC Law), (re-elaboration of the 1985 Thesis for the Law Degree, La sapienza University, Faculty of Law), in La Rivista Amministrativa della Repubblica Italiana, Anno 138, Vol CXXXVIII, 1987, (pp. 869-874).
Notes, Advices, Researches, Lectures and Presentations
La recente legge sulla Carta degli Anziani, Vaticano, 2023
La sicurezza Energetica e la prevenzione dei rischi, Parlamento europeo, 2023
La Directive européene n° 2016/343 Sur la Présomption d’innocence, Roma, Associazione dei giornalisti del Lazio (2022 et 2023)
Management of Conflict Prevention and post-conflict Interventions Actions under EU and NATO rules. The case of Afghanistan, (for the KoR Embassy), June 2010;
La discrezionalità della pubblica amministrazione nel quadro dell’attribuzione e controllo dei fondi comunitari per progetti specifici (The discretionality of National Authorities in the framework of the use of Eu Funds), Legal Advice, October 2009;
L’azione delle Lobby nei confronti delle istituzioni comunitarie, Seminario organized by Confindustria, Ufficio di Bruxelles, 21-07-2009, Bruxelles;
EU Fundamental Rights Charter, and Lisbon and the EU Citizens, Excellent University, Comenius University, 29/30-09-2008, Bratislava;
The Treaty of Lisbon, Meeting of the Belgo-Moldavian Association, 26-9-2008, Bruxelles;
Public-Private-Partnership and the Community Law on Public Procurements and Concessions, Comenius University, 25-09-2008, Bratislava;
The European Court of Justice, Comenius University, Faculty of Law, 8/9-04-2008, and 15-03-2008, Bratislava;
The European Decision-Making System in the European Governance and Corporate Mobility under EU Law, Comenius University, Faculty of Law, 8/9-04-2008, Bratislava;
Representation of natural and legal persons (corporations) and the States in the proceedings before EC-courts, Bratislava School of Law, Tomasikova 20, 15-03-2008, Bratislava;
European Decision-Making Procedures, Comenius University, Faculty of Law, 6/7-03-2008, Bratislava;
Pilot Project on Welfare-to-Work for introducing Active Labour Market Policy in Slovakia, document on a Pilot Project presented on behalf of Agens International BV, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 16-10-2007, Bratislava;
Presentation: Welfare-to-Work and Active Labour Market Policies in mature countries, Annual Meeting with W2W Slovak actors, Ministry of labour, 26-07-2007, Bratislava;
Study Note on Legislative changes needed to update the Slovak Labour Law after the EU Accession, drafted and presented on behalf of Agens International BV to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 21/24-06-2007, Bratislava;
Presentation of (Agens International BV and) Welfare-to-Work Policies, 60 Pages Study on behalf of Agens International BV, Moroccan Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 13-16 May 2007, Rabat and Casablanca;
Presentation of (Agens International BV and) Welfare-to-Work Policies, 60 Pages Study on behalf of Agens International BV, Slovak Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 27 October 2006, Bratislava;
Study Note on “The Negotiated procedure without publication, a very specific type of procedure to be used for awarding public contracts under specific conditions stated by the relevant EC Law, i.e. Directive 2004/18/EC”, for Agens International, Luxembourg 09-10-2006;
Study Note on “The Commission Decision 2005-842-EC”, for Agens International, Luxembourg, 04-09-2006;
Study Note on “Corporate Mobility under EU Law”, for Agens International annual Workshop, Amersfoort, 27/30-08-2006;
European Institutional Framework, Comenius University, Faculty of Law, 12/13-03-2006, Bratislava;
European Competition Law, Comenius University, Faculty of Law, 25/28-05-2005, Bratislava;
The preliminary procedure at the ECJ, Comenius University, Faculty of Law, 06-12-2004, Bratislava;
The role of the European Parliament and the Democratic Deficit and La procedure de renvoi préjudiciel, Comenius University, Faculty of Law, 3/4-12-2004, Strybske Pleso;
The Slovak accession: the relations between National and European legal Orders, Comenius University, Faculty of Social & Economic Sciences, 05-05-2004, Bratislava;
The role of the European Parliament and the 2004 Elections in Slovakia, Great Hall, Comenius, University, Faculty of Law, 22-04-2004, Bratislava;
Powers and role of the EP, Jour Fixe Precov, Slovak Foreign Policy Association, 27-03-2004, Kosice;
The European Parliament and the media, SAIA – Slovak Association of Journalists, 02-10-2003, Bratislava;
Corruption & EU Law: the European Parliament, Vitajte v Europe, Top Events, 22-05-2003, Bratislava;
The European Parliament: the voice of Citizens, Referendum Campaign with the Slovak Ministry for European Affairs, 16/17-05-2003, Trencin;
The Convention: an example of participation and democracy¸ Jean Monnet Seminar on the European Convention, I Mediterranei, 11/12-04-2003, Modica, Catania;
Tecniche legislative e la politica normativa dell’UE, RomaTre University, Dipartimento delle Istituzioni Politiche e Scienze Sociali, 30-04-2002, Roma;
The European Parliament and the regional Authorities, Seminar Sicilmed, 22/27-01-2002, Brussels;
Citizenship and the Third Pillar, Pau-Bayonne-Biarritz University, Faculté de Droit, 21/22-05-2001, Bayonne;
La Cittadinanza europea and La qualità redazionale della Comunità Europea, Workshops, RomaTre University, Dipartimento delle Istituzioni Politiche e Scienze Sociali, March and May 2001, Roma;
Le Traité de Nice, Pau-Bayonne-Biarritz University, Faculté de Droit, 18/19-02-2001, Bayonne;
La Qualità redazionale della legislazione comunitaria (La Qualité rédactionnelle de la Législation Communautaire), Romatre
University and CNR, 09-05-2000, Included in Collectaneus Working Paper Edited by the CNR, Roma ;
Le rôle du Parlement Européen après Amsterdam, Pau-Bayonne-Biarritz University, Faculté de Droit, 28-04-2000, Bayonne;
I poteri della commissione per le Petizioni del Parlamento Europeo in materia di interpretazione delle norme comunitarie (Les pouvoirs d’interprétation de la commission pour les Petitions du Parlement européen dans l’interprétation des normes communautaires – le cas de la nomination du Médiateur Européen-), Study for the President of the Petition Committee of the European Parliament, Mr. Nino Gemelli, 15-09-2000 ;
La responsabilità della Pubblica Amministrazione europea e dei suoi dirigenti nei principali ordinamenti giuridici statali e nel diritto comunitario: comparazione, (The responsibility of the European Public Administration and Civil Servant: comparative analysis of European and National Legal Orders), RomaTre University, Dipartimento delle Istituzioni Politiche e Scienze Sociali, 19-04-2000, Roma;
The ECBS and the Euro, Romatre University, 13 July 1998, Roma;
The four basic Freedoms and the recent Case-Law, Pau-Bayonne-Biarritz University, Faculté de Droit, July 1997, Bayonne;
The European Parliament Locus Standi in the ECJ Case-Law, Pau-Bayonne-Biarritz University, Faculté de Droit, July 1996, Bayonne;
The communitarisation of the 3rd Pillar, Biarritz-Bayonne-Pau University, July 1995, Bayonne;
European Media Law, Istituto Einaudi Torino, June 1993, Torino;
Human rights and the EU Law, Romatre University, June 1992, Roma;
The protection of Fundamental Rights and the Law of the EEC, La Sapienza University, Istituto di Teoria dello Stato, June 1991, Roma;
The” Droit d’asile” and the European Policy, Idea Cultura and the Camera dei Deputati, Catanzaro, 19/20-01-1991;
The Migrations and the European Law, Italian section of the European Movement, Rome, 13-05-1990;
The Schengen Treaty and the EEC Legal Order, International Law Academy, Centre for researches and Studies, The Hague, August/September 1989;
Constitutional aspects of the Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms within the Community Legal Order, La Sapienza University, Istituto di Teoria dello Stato, June 1989, Roma;
TV sans Frontières Directive, Ministry of Culture, Luxembourg, June 1989;
The EEC/ACP Lomé Convention, La Sapienza University, 1984.
Organized International Conferences, Seminars and Events
Opening of the Office of Agens Slovensko sro in Bratislava, 16-18 July 2007;
Visit of a Delegation of Moroccan Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs and National office for Social Policy to Agens International BV, 28/30 April 2007, Amsterdam;
Visit of a Delegation of Slovak Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs and National labour Office to Agens International BV, 13/18 January 2007, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Amersfoort;
Agens International BV Welfare-to-Work Project for Slovakia, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Bratislava, 20-21 September 2007;
Series of more than 40 Seminars in the whole Slovakia in occasion of the Referendum and the accession campaign to EU, as
Head of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Bratislava in cooperation with the Ministry for the European Integration and the Regional Authorities as well as Universities and the Slovak chamber of Commerce and Industry (2003-2004);
“Europe Robert Schumann Day” 09-05-2004, Bratislava (presence of Political and Diplomatic Highest Authorities with Giant Slovak and European Flags on the Bratislava Mayor bridge – first item in the TV news);
Seminar for Journalists, EP Office in Bratislava, 19-03-2004, Bratislava;
Visit of the European Ombudsman, EP Office in Bratislava, 18/19-02-2004, Bratislava;
Seminar for Journalists, EP Office in Bratislava, 19-02-2004, Bratislava;
Visits of the President of the European Parliament and of the Presidents of the seven Political Groups at the European Parliament, EP Office in Bratislava, 2004, Bratislava;
Vitajte v Europe (Welcome to Europe), meetings with VIP to discuss about Europe, as Head of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Bratislava in cooperation with the EC Delegation in Slovakia, 22-05-2004;
First International Conferences on “Rozhodovacie procesy v Europskej unii” (EU Decision-Making Procedures), Levoca, Bratislava and Kosice, 5-12 December 2003, as Head of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Bratislava;
Series of 15 Seminars on EU Law and Decision-making procedures, as Head of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Bratislava in cooperation with the Slovak Chamber of Commerce, in 2003;
“Concert for Europe: the ninth Symphony of Beethoven”, Radio Slovensko, Concert of the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Bratislava City Choir with radio-live intervention of the President of the European Parliament, diffused by Radio Slovensko and EBU - plus CD – Bratislava, 13-05-2003, at 20h30;
Organization of the International Congress for the EP, UpE Group, Europa, giustizie a confronto, (Europe, compared Justice systems - Jurisdictional systems in Europe and e-Justice, hypothesis of concrete cooperations - with the participation of Judges, Lawyers and MEPs), Circolo della stampa, Milano, 10-10-1997 and coordination of the publication of acta of the Congress (94 pp), Il Denaro Ed., Napoli, 1997;
Official Opening of the EP Information Office in Slovakia with the participation of the Presidents of the European Parliament and the Slovak Parliament, 30-31 January 2003;
Organization and Secretariat of the Intergroup on Bioethics at the EP for MEPs (1995-1997);
First Seminar on the topic of “Internal Market: one space of Freedom and Security” at the Presence of the Commissioner, Mario Monti, and the President of the EP in Brussels, 1996;
Meeting on the The 1996 IGC between risks and opportunities, with the participation of the EP Secretary General, MEPs, Academic and the Italian representative to the EC, EP, for Club Voltaire, Brussels, 1995;
Seminar in Rome for the Italian Section of the European Movement on “New Migrations and the future challenges for Europe”, Palazzo della Provincia di Roma, 1990.
Workshops, Courses and Seminars attended
The Treaty of Nice and the European Jurisdictional System, European Parliament, Workshop, Legal Service, 10 January 2001, Brussels;
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, TMC Asser Institute, Peace Palace, The Hague, 18/21 December 2000, The Hague;
The EU and the criminal Law, European Parliament, Workshop, Legal Service, 8/9 November 2000, Brussels;
The European Freedom and Security Area, European Parliament, Workshop, 22/23 February 2000, Brussels;
The European Parliament and the co-decision procedure, European Parliament, Workshop, 6/7 November 1999, Brussels;
Towards a European Judicial Space – judicial Cooperation in Penal Matters in Europe, 6th International Symposium for Judges and Public Prosecutors, ERA Institute, 13/18 October 1999, Trier;
Course on Institutional EC Law, at SIOI (Italian Society for International Organizations), 15/24 April 1991, Roma;
Course on ECJ Procedural Rules, at AIGE (Italian Association of European Lawyers), January/February 1991, Roma;
Course on International Public Law, International Law Academy, 24-07/11-08-1989, Peace Palace, The Hague;
The East-West Cooperation, European Academy Berlin, February 1989, Berlin;
External Trade and Commerce of the EC with the PVD and East Europe Countries, one-week Seminar, Institut International Luxembourg, July 1988, Luxembourg.
Participation to & Organisation of Seminars for:
European Parliament, EUROSCOLA, Romatre University, La Sapienza University, Comenius University, Pau-Bayonne-Biarritz University, Matej Bel University, Agens International, IEM Institute, Fondazione Rosselli, International Law Academy, Einaudi Institute - Torino, IEM Institute – Milano, the Voltaire Club – Brussels, Finno-Belgo Association –Brussels, Associations of Toscany and Umbria in Brussels, Association of Slovak Artists – Bratislava, the Government and other Public Bodies and Associations in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary, Diplomatic Representatives in Ukraine and Moldova, Private Firms or Non-Profit, NGOs and Civil Associations in France, Belgium and Italy, ERA, TMC Asser Institute, EIPA, Berlin University, Napoli Federico II University, Associazione Costituzionalisti Italiani.
International experience
South Korea Embassy and Representation to the EU in Brussels (Free Trade Agreement) (2010/2011)
Business Development Management and EU Law General manager in Agens International BV (2007-2009)
Opening of the EP Office in Slovakia & Definition of communication and information policies and strategies (Head of the EP Information Office in BA) (2001-2004)
Concept and drafting of Working Project and Financial Plan for the constitution of EU House in BA, Palisady – 2004
•Depuis 2011 : Avocat au Barreau de Bruxelles - Matr. P00012951
•2010/2011 : Ambassade et Mission auprès de l’UE de la République de Corée - Conseiller principal sur les affaires de l’UE
•2007-2010 : Agens International B.V. - Directeur général
•2004-2006 : Cour de Justice Européenne - Référendaire - Cabinet du Juge Jan Klucka (N° 39867)
•10/2002-04/2004 : Parlement Européen, DG Information & Communication - Chef du bureau d’information en Slovaquie
•01/2001-09/2002 : Parlement Européen, DG Information & Communication - Chef de la section italienne, Département politique, visites et séminaires
•2000 : Parlement Européen, Service Juridique - TA, Unité des Affaires Parlementaires et Statut des Députés
•10/1994-12/1999 : Parlement Européen, Groupe Politique (UpE-UEN) - TA
•07/1992-05/1994 : Parlement Européen, Groupe Politique (PSE – Délégation Italienne), Bruxelles - Conseiller
•09/1991-06/1992 : Cabinet Lambert & Associés, Bruxelles - Associé junior