Law Firm Bochon & Fulmini

Social Law

our services

General presentation of the practice

Our team offers in-depth expertise in all areas of employment law, including individual and collective employment law and social security law. We offer our services to employers of all sizes, workers, business leaders and independent contractors. Our firm can assist you by providing legal advice and representing you before employment tribunals, both in civil and criminal proceedings. We also assist employers during social inspections, whether it concerns the control of employment laws, well-being at work or the National Social Security Office.   

our services

Our services in this area

  • Drafting of employment contracts, work regulations, collective labor agreements, management contracts
  • Assistance to the worker or employer in the context of an individual dismissal
  • Assistance in the context of collective redundancy, business transfer or other forms of restructuring
  • Management of social conflicts between employer and workers' representatives
  • Advice on payment of salaries, variable remuneration and other benefits
  • Analysis of the risk of reclassifying an independent collaboration contract into an employment contract
  • Intervention before labor courts
  • Handling complaints of discrimination or harassment
  • Management of files of workers on long-term illness
  • Social elections
  • Work accidents
  • Protection of workers' privacy in the workplace
  • Staff representation bodies (works council, committee for prevention and protection at work, union delegation)
  • Temporary work and provision of personnel
  • Flexible working, working hours and teleworking
  • Posting and international labor law
our services

Our experience

  • Negotiation of the end of the employment relationship of members of senior management within companies active in the financial sector.
  • Representation of an employer before the criminal court for a fatal work accident in the construction sector.
  • Representation of a transport company before the labor court following the reclassification of the status of certain independent workers as employees by the ONSS.
  • Assistance in the context of the dismissal for serious reasons of protected workers who are members of the works council.
  • Determination of technical operating units for social elections and assistance in disputes before labor courts.
  • Negotiations with a view to the sale of a company in difficulty in the industrial sector to a buyer and management of conflicts with staff representatives.
our services

Our lawyers


Robert Unusyan

Fax. +32 (0)2 26 72 19 82

By telephone

Anthony Bochon 

such: +32.(0)2.616.06.30

Azelio Fulmini

such: +32 (0)2 644 12 50

Fax: +32 (0)2 26 72 19 82

Our office


IT Tower (11th floor)
Avenue Louise 480
1050 Brussels


By email


 We will reply to you within 24 hours by email, or you can call us directly, we are always ready to serve you.