Law Firm Bochon & Fulmini

Corporate and insolvency law

our services

General presentation of the practice

Companies, associations or foundations are confronted daily with legal questions concerning their constitution, operation, transformation, governance and solvency.

Our “corporate and insolvency law” practice offers owners, managers, legal and financial departments as well as all interested third parties adequate legal support for merger-acquisition and demerger transactions, transfers of activity, resolution of disputes between shareholders, restructuring of a company, judicial reorganization, bankruptcy as well as voluntary or judicial liquidation.

our services

Our services in this area

  • Legal audit (due diligence) in the context of merger-acquisition operations
  • Drafting and negotiation of contracts in the context of share transfers (share deal) or transfer of assets (asset deal)
  • Drafting and negotiation of contracts regulating relations between shareholders (shareholder agreements, purchase and sale options)
  • Preparation of capital increase or reduction, shareholder restructuring and management buyout (management buyout)
  • Legal support for boards of directors and general meetings, drafting and publication of decisions and specific acts
  • Advice and drafting on statutes, internal regulations and corporate governance codes, creation of joint ventures (joint venture)
  • Preparation, planning and implementation of business restructuring plans
  • Preparation and support throughout legal reorganization, bankruptcy or liquidation procedures
  • Legal support alongside crisis managers (contract negotiation, debt restructuring, other business safeguard measures)
  • Management of the internal organization and drafting of acts concerning the corporate bodies
  • Drafting and monitoring contracts with managers
  • Non-competition clauses
our services

Our experience

  • Intervention alongside sellers, buyers or candidate buyers in the context of merger-acquisition operations of listed and unlisted companies
  • Regular support for family SMEs in their transmission operations to the next generation or to third parties
  • Council of international consortia for the establishment of common entities
  • Frequent appointments as bankruptcy trustee and judicial liquidator
  • Management of the internal organization and drafting of acts concerning the corporate bodies
  • Drafting and monitoring contracts with managers
  • Non-competition clauses
our services

Our lawyers

anthony bolchon

Anthony BOCHON

Associate lawyer - founder
Fax. +32 (0)2 26 72 19 82

By telephone

Anthony Bochon 

such: +32.(0)2.616.06.30

Azelio Fulmini

such: +32 (0)2 644 12 50

Fax: +32 (0)2 26 72 19 82

Our office


IT Tower (11th floor)
Avenue Louise 480
1050 Brussels


By email


 We will reply to you within 24 hours by email, or you can call us directly, we are always ready to serve you.